Business Coach & Pastor Bob Reish and Business Coach & CMS Mary Erlain created Conversations Interrupted. As they discuss crucial issues in ministry, they have recorded snippets of their conversations for you to consider in your ministry.

CLA was created to intersect the issues in the church as they are moving forward during turbulent times internally and externally to the church itself.


What Are You Running From OR What Are You Running To?

Pastors and ministry leaders understand the need to run to God in all circumstances. The reality is that wedges find their way in causing the dilemma of Running to God or Running away from God. In the day to day of ministry, wedges get in the way and create the question of whether to run to or run from God.

Loneliness and Competition in Ministry

Pastors and ministry leaders struggle with competing with the practicality of the world. When the focus is not on who we are in Christ is not the focus, loneliness and competition set in. This creates the question of choosing between God’s providence with the world’s practicality.

God Wins! Even During the Tough Times.

God has overcome the world. We have all the resources and tools we need to thrive each day in the power of God. We have this assurance because Christ has overcome the world from the very foundations of the world. This powerful Biblical principle is often forgotten in the day to day of ministry. When this is understood in our daily moments with God, we are reminded we are secure in Christ.

First Impressions, What is Your Standard of Excellence?

The standard of excellence is essential because it shows the world that we strive to honor and glorify God. This is the standard by which we live as children of God. When we are observed by anyone that crosses our paths, the focus needs to be, “Do others see Christ in us in all that we do?”

Pastors and Leadership

The only singular term in leadership in the church is Jesus Christ. Leadership in a church is meant to be a “we.” Leadership is also measured in the leader’s absence!

Why Do Staff and Members Leave?

In churches today, there is a lack of business and leadership understanding. When there is a balance of biblical teaching and servant leadership, Pastors and ministry leaders are more empowered to equip the saints for ministry.